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(1 edit)

Very lovely little game, very nice art and theme and I'll love seeing it through, however, as it stands right now, It is very barebones and I have a little bit of unguided fear that there may be a little misdirection or misfocus on simply continuing the story rather than perfecting the current loop then correcting the story.

The combat is fine but there's not a lot of real thought invoked, use the damage spell on the enemy you've been damaging so you can kill them so they can't damage you, simple.
Attacks that would stun the 2nd/3rd creature for more than one turn and/or reliably would, at least give the player a little bit of tactics to work with, and more pressure on who they would use the spell on to survive for longer.

The whole "get ambushed by le shadows thing" is a bit unfair, I mean yes + duh you're going way too far but for the player to just be le instakill is a lil harsh, especially without Autosaves or a better indication of where you can sleep (simply solved by not teleporting the player immediately outside at the start).

One of two huge issues I've noticed is that the game is a big text read, and it disconnects me from the experience and immersion when I'm really just reading a bunch of text, it's not ideal to make your player imagine the world you created when you could've just shown it to them.
The other huge issue is that text re-reads, ofc I know this is an oversight and not intentional but still pointing it for the sake of memorandum.
(Also, the pin is not deducted from your inventory, meaning you infinitely give the pin to Tad)

When you kill the ??? the game has a moment where it comments on what Tiny/You think of Merry, this simply doesn't stick because I've known them for approximately 4.3252 seconds and haven't (and don't have within the demo) any interactions with them.

I don't want to deter you at all, this is just advice, I love this game and would love to love it more, these are just notes on things I've noticed that would harm the final release.


Best of luck, cheers!


Thank you for taking the time to play and review the game! ^^ I'll be taking notes of all the feedback for sure. I definitely can understand all of these issues, and although much of this was experimental there really are better ways to execute it (especially the text adventure kind of mechanic). I'm really glad you liked it tho!